TIGER LILLIES @ Dark Cabaret | Biarritz, France 2019

One very special Birthday Party in France for the Crazy Russians Birthday. To entertain him and his guests – Tiger Lilies performed energetic concert and Kosa Art Group created a mystic environment of Dark Side of The Seater, behind the scenes, dark cabaret and dull memories of growing up in the Soviet Union,,,
Party in Venice @ EBИNNALE | Italy 2019

The name, EBИNNALE, is both a cry and a protest sprung from the letter E. On this one absurd night, under the bedsheets of Venice, a fracture in time will unleash the Alter Ego. Speak it’s name and speculate on your own corruption, for this night will provide the opportunity to go beyond one’s imagination. […]
TEETH | Hakone 2017

Inspired by client’s fears and dreams this spooky installation was created by using hand-made teeth toys, stuffed with wool and hand painted. They were made by an artist from Slovenia and delivered to Japan especially for this project. The client wanted to scare and surprise his beloved partner and asked us to install this artwork […]